Can a healthy diet make you crack a smile? RVNAhealth has the answers!
How Diet Can Impact Your Mental Health It’s True, What you Eat can Impact your Mental Health For centuries, we have utilized nutrition as a tool to treat many chronic and acute diseases, but it was not until 2005 that researchers began considering nutrition as a possible treatment for mental illness. “There’s a lot of new research on how diet can impact mental health and the fact that diet not only serves as prevention but also helps in treatment for depression and other clinical mental health conditions,” says RVNAhealth’s Registered Dietitian, Monica Marcello, MS, RD. “I try to make practical recommendations and give people a fresh perspective on why they…
Your Cancer Answers: What is skin cancer mindfulness? | Health & Fitness
Joshua J. Marine said “challenges are what makes life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” You can live a fulfilling life, no matter what comes up next, because you have overcome challenges, be it cancer or not, you have the right frame of mind and you know how to figure out the best action plan. If not identified at an early stage, melanoma has a high rate of morbidity and mortality. The mainstay of surgical intervention and the newest immunotherapeutic innovations in oncology are improving the fight. Nonetheless, the easiest way to live a life free from malignant melanoma, is to never have it. The next best…